There are a lot of developers out there with ideas just pouring over, and Enigma Station the fruit of one of those devs hard labor. It’s a game that doesn’t really have anything yet, but in time, it’ll be something that people will be talking about (if the dev/devs would continue work on it, but seeing the changelogs, it looks like that’s something we don’t need to worry about anytime in the near future).
Enigma Station is a game that’s still in very, very early development. There’s not much to do, but you’re able to test out a few abilities that are currently available to you. The game doesn’t really have a tutorial right now, too, but you’ll be using your keyboard to move around and navigate through what looks like a little test area to try out your guns and moves. The test area has platforms for you to jump on and just move around with. The game is planned to be a metroidvania type of game, and already has a story drafted, but it’s not final yet and may change along the way, but basically it’s about a war being fought in space. Unknown to many, though, a virus has been spreading in a station (the Enigma Station) and it’s taking the lives of those inside the station. It’s up to you to save anyone else that’s still alive and destroy the virus before it can get out and destroy everything else in the universe.
I’d have to be honest, there isn’t really much of a game here, but it shows a lot of promise and would be nice if people could play the game and let the devs know how awesome it is and would be. We suggest keeping an eye out for Enigma Station as we can tell that this one is gonna be awesome once it’s done!